For those of you, especially in the science and math departments, who are interested, Webassign provides an online homework service that some physics and chemistry teachers in the high school are presently using.
Teachers can create classes for free, while students must pay a fee for their account. Once you set up a class, you link a textbook to your class and can then assign homework problems from your textbook. The site randomizes numbers in the problems so that each student has to give a different answer, even though they are assigned the same problem. The site allows for a wide range of options in the number of submissions allowed, the numerical accuracy required etc. Some of the textbooks allow you to assign the example problems as interactive exercises as well.
There are a large number of textbooks for chemistry, mathematics and physics, with smaller numbers available for accounting, astronomy, biology, engineering, social studies, and statistics.
I've been using the site for a few years now, so if you are interested, feel free to stop by and ask.