21 May 2009

Reading Mathematics

Lori got me "making" kids read. I am checking out ~20 books from the LHS Library per month that I put on my Personal List on the LHS Lib page: http://library.longmeadow.k12.ma.us/common/welcome.jsp?site=101 Then if on a given day I have 10 or 15min left at the end of the block each student gets their book from the 226 "Mini" Lib, and reads and takes notes. The students then blog about their reading on the LHS Wiki, and add vocab words with definitions at the end of their blog.

The assignment was created thanks to and in conjunction with Lori Robbins and Mary Ellen Barker.

here is the assignment page:


20 May 2009

Wolfram Alpha


Want to compare China to the US? Just type china vs. usa into wolfram alpa ; http://www.wolframalpha.com/

You get a full report on area, population, population density and much more!

Want to know the nutritional specs on an apple? You guessed it wolfram alpha.
Want a quick graph or x2 or a translation thereof; wolframalpha is your boy.

I see possibilities for all content areas. Nutritional facts, comparisons, mathematical graphs and solutions, GDP's this is a cool site!